Countdown in College Station

Friday, October 27, 2006

We are Rusty and Jennifer Bacak. We are passionate about our God, our family, our church, and our ministry to college students. We feel the greatest calling to the ministry of building Godly marriages. We are pouring our lives into the lives of young couples, and loving every minute of it!

We are not full-time ministers, nor are we counselors. We are lay people of the church with a calling on our lives, as every believer is called. We were married in 1998. Rusty graduated from Texas A&M, and then Baylor Medical School. Rusty is a Family Practice doctor by day, (and often by night) and the best Dad in the whole world. He is the leader of our home, and the love of my life. (Obviously, Jenn is writing this.)

I am a full-time Mom, teacher, and home manager. Before our "quiver was full," I graduated from Baylor University with a degree in Communications Disorders. I was an interpreter for the Deaf on the college level, and later became a Deaf Education teacher for Pre-K and Kindergarten. Then my real job came along. The high and noble calling of motherhood. We had Emma in 2000, Jax in 2002, Justus in 2004, and Treston in 2006. (We're on the every-other-year plan, evidently!) My kids are currently enrolled in what we call the "Bacak Nation Academy" (We are homeschooling.) My days are quite full, and never boring! You can check out the Bacak Nation on our family blog, if you like.

Rusty and I are blessed to serve at a church we love, New Life in College Station. You can go to for more info. on our church.


Blogger dreamingBIGdreams said...

I just found your blog and it says that you have a transracial adoption. So do we! We adopted our youngest son when he was born.

glad to "meet" you!

6:55 PM  

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